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> 阅读理解:Thisisapicture.Tomishere.Hisfatherisaworkerandhism...





This is a picture. Tom is here. His father is a worker and his mother is a teacher. Jack, Peter and Jim are his brothers. Jack is a doctor in England r and Jim are car workers in Japan. Tom and his sister, Helen, are students. They are in the same(相同) school, but they are not in the same class.

(     ) 1. What’s Tom’s mother?

       A. She is a teacher.     B. She’s a nurse.

       C. She’s a doctor.      D. She is a worker.

(     ) 2. Tom’s brothers are      .

       A. car workers          B. not students

       C. teachers             D. doctors

(     ) 3. Where are Peter and Jim?

       A. They are in England.      B. They are in China.

       C. They are in Japan.       D. They are in America.

(     ) 4. Tom and his sister are      .

       A. in the same class         B. in the same school

       C. in the same building       D. not in the same school

(     ) 5. How many people(人)are there in Tom’s family?

       A. Six    B. Five   C. Eight     D. Seven


1. A  2. B  3. C  4. B   5. D



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