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> 阅读理解;根据短文内容选择最佳*ThereareeighteenkindsofbatsinBritainan...




There are eighteen kinds of bats in Britain and all of them are endangered(濒临绝种的). The greater horseshoe bat is one of them. There are few of them because people pull down old buildings and cut down trees. They have no place to live in. There are only about 5,000 bats in the UK now.


The Amur tiger(东北虎)is in danger. People kill them for their meat and fur. They also cut down trees and make them homeless. In the 1930s, there were only 20 of them. Then people began to realize that they should protect the Amur tiger. Now there are about 360 Amur tigers in the world. About 20 of them are in China.

阅读理解;根据短文内容选择最佳*ThereareeighteenkindsofbatsinBritainan... 第2张

   People may see the mandarin duck(鸳鸯)on pools and lakes in Britain, but its native home is across Eastern Asia, in Russia, China, Korea and Japan. The mandarin duck is on water near forests. However, forests and rivers are disappearing (消失). It makes the mandarin duck fewer and fewer.

阅读理解;根据短文内容选择最佳*ThereareeighteenkindsofbatsinBritainan... 第3张

(  ) greater horseshoe bat is endangered because     .

  A. they have no place to live in                    B. people kill them for their meat

  C. there is little water                                                                   D. they have no food to eat

(  )2.—What’s the number of Amur tigers in the China now?

       —It’s about      

        A. 18               B. 20                    C. 340                   D. 360

(  )3. The mandarin duck may be found     .

  A. in old buildings                             B. in the forests

  C. in the mountain                             D. on water near forests

(  )4. Which country may be the mandarin duck’s native home?

  A. Spain             B. Japan                 C. Britain                 D. America

(  )5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. There were 20 greater horseshoe bats in the 1930s.

  B. People can’t find any Amur tigers in China.

  C. The mandarin duck may be often seen in forests in Britain.

 D. People kill Amur tigers for their meat and fur.


1A 2B 3D 4B 5D



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