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> relay to造句怎么写

relay to造句怎么写

Responsible for the documents authorizing and follow up all contracts proposal and the advance payment relay to hotel project fitment and reconstruction.

The results of the digital simulation show that the method can identify fault current and energizing inrush current precisely and makes it rapid and reliable for the protective relay to

relay to造句

Purpose, application and skill in control system transformed from conventional banked relay to PLC control system on Model Z8640 hot box core shooter have been introduced.

According to the construction requirement of Chaohu dredging project, the technological measures of different dredger long range relay to fail mud are put forward.

And with SOAP (as opposed to XML-RPC alone), you can use the SOAP fault mechanism, a standard part of the API, to relay to the client extensive information about problems that might occur.

标签: 造句 relay
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