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> Ma Yun造句怎么写

Ma Yun造句怎么写

The story of Ma Yun, founder of China's online trading empire, best prove the significance of diligent in realizing personal ambition and creating value to the world.

This is Ma Yun's latter the most baronial conception.

Ma Yun造句

It shows that Ma Yun has done his Business successfully.

Perhaps, what the future of it industry envisages without Ma Yun is so bad.

So, kindly colleague friends advised Ma Yun to stop messing about it, even several partner confidence shaken.

The future of Chinese Yahoo after all how, of Ma Yun "relieve the besieged by attacking the base of the besieger" lift whether guide Chinese Yahoo to walk out of predicament, is the trend brilliant?

Ma Yun was appointed Deputy ral of the Guangdong Price Bureau. (2009.07.10).

Li Lin was also a bittersweet man, but he was only defeated by the beauty of Ma Yun.

Then, Ma Yun sold up Haibo translation agency office furniture, with friends and relatives around money, it reached 80000 yuan.

Where was Ma Yun born?

标签: Ma Yun 造句
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