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> luminous flux造句怎么写

luminous flux造句怎么写

This paper described the principle, apparatus and correction methods of a new method of realizing the total luminous flux scale by using integrating sphere. The results are also presented.

luminous flux造句

By improving the optical encapsulation, the luminous flux of LED can be improved greatly.

The measurement of the luminous flux of UHP (Ultra High Power) light source is described in this paper.

Conclusion The luminous flux determination method for assessing Eustachian tube function is sensitive rapid, and objective, so it is a hopeful appraisal measure.

The ratio of luminous flux at a specific wavelength to the radiant flux at the same wavelength.

The width, height, brightness of the screen and the luminous flux, focus of the cineprojector are important factors of cinema auditorium design.

Photometers are specifically designed to measure emitted, reflected or transmitted light in photometric terms of luminous flux, luminance, illuminance or luminous intensity.

The unit of luminous flux in the International System, equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle by a source of one candela intensity radiating equally in all directions.

标签: flux 造句 luminous
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