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> exclusionary rule造句怎么写

exclusionary rule造句怎么写

The theory basis of exclusionary rule of hearsay evidence is the jury system and the disfigurement of hearsay evidence itself.

There are three kinds of exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence in foreign countries, such as falseness exclusion, human rights protection and unlawful action control.

In fact, the exclusionary rules of illegal evidence have integral and stable jurisprudential foundation theoretically from the points of view either of value or cognition.

exclusionary rule造句

The comparative study of American exclusionary rule and Germany rule of evidentiary use prohibition;

Discuss the theoretical extent starting with the concept of exclusionary rule.

The exclusionary rule for involuntary oral statements--from the perspective of torture;

A perfect exclusionary rule of illegally obtained confession should also be formed by substantial rules and procedural rules.

Analyze the advantage and disadvantage of the exclusionary rule.

Moreover, exclusionary rule and other methods should be constructed on the basis of that purpose.

At present, Right to Silence has not given to suspect in China, and illegal confession exclusionary rule is not yet perfect, and no transparency in the investigation.

The exclusionary rule of unlawfully obtained evidence is an evidence rule of standardizing credibility, its core problem is evidence potency.

On the problem of how to establish the exclusionary rule of illegal evidence, some scholars suggest to transplant American exclusionary rule in China.

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