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> inertial navigation system造句怎么写

inertial navigation system造句怎么写

8、A passive location algorithm for the integrated navigation system of Beidou and inertial navigation system (INS) was put forward in this paper.

10、Avionics systems include a highly accurate inertial navigation system in which a computer provides steering information to the pilot.

12、Fundamentally an inertial navigation system is a dead-reckoning system with a very significant characteristic which differentiates it from more conventional dead-reckoning equipment.

14、Using astronavigation theory, the algorithm of calibrating the constant gyro drifts of ESG strapdown inertial navigation system and carrier heading is presented in this paper.

16、Under the condition of high dynamic angular motion or vibration environment, confirmed and corrected the sculling error is important to calculated the speed of strap-down inertial navigation system.

1、inertial navigation system

3、strap-down inertial navigation system

5、Methods of error compensation for azimuth holding system in an INS (inertial navigation system) are presented.

7、The cost of the gravity passive inertial navigation system will be lower with a rate azimuth platform and gravity sensor constituting a gravity measurement and navigation system.

11、It USES Kalman filter to estimate the errors to be calibrated in the data transfer process from the airborne master inertial navigation sys-tem to the missile slaver inertial navigation system.

15、Transfer alignment of strapdown inertial navigation systems on rolling bases

inertial navigation system造句

2、radio-equipped inertial navigation system

6、inertial navigation systems with gyroplatform

13、There is a badly influence of the existence of ring laser gyro's random walk on the performance of ring laser gyro strapdown inertial navigation system( SINS).

4、Integrated navigation method of strapdown inertial navigation system under damping condition

17、In the thesis, the technology of initial alignment and transfer alignment of the inertial navigation system of the carrier borne plane when the aircraft carrier is moored or is cruising is researched.

9、Main reasons for heading effect drift of an airborne platform inertial navigation system are analyzed in this paper.

标签: inertial 造句
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