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> be left造句怎么写

be left造句怎么写

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Yes. In fact, if one parent is left-handed, there is bigger chance the child will be left-handed.

Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.

Two women shall be grinding at the mill: one shall be taken, and one shall be left.

Most of these parameters may be left at the default setting.

After the blog application is approved, the cyberspace should not be left untouched.

Leaves fall, flowers withered, next year can also be regenerated, then colourful, But to be left can not stay?

There are certain problems that must be personally handled by them, not be left to any one else.

If both parents are left handed, 50% of their offspring will be left-handed. Two righties only have a 2% chance of having a lefty.

A left-luggage office is a place where bags can be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.

I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

Don't wait until the flowers are thin and the tears are flowing. Even if you wait for happiness, you will be left alone in your boudoir and the candles will be left behind.

“所有带走的,未必留下;丢弃的,也未必遗忘。”maybe all those brought can be left,all those left can not be forgot.

The development of nuclear power would surge forward, beginning to fill the void that would be left by oil.

Those who have ideas will never be left behind in spirit, because spiritual wealth is enough to feed them.

Each step must be taken in turn and completed before moving on to the next. No step should be left out.

It may be hidden in the capital of Xiangyu, Pengcheng (now Xuzhou, Jiangsu), or it may be left behind by the death of Xiangyu (now Lingbi, Anhui).

In big cities the street vendors may be left alone for the time being, but the independent handicraftsmen and family traders had better be dealt with.

The reef can not stop the river flowing eastward, and sorrow can not hide the time flies. In our whole life, how many ditches have to be left alone, and how much regret left for years.

It will be sometimes be hectic but our presence is your assurance that you will not be left "to stew in your own juice" as you are inclined to say.

Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning.

He was loath to be left alone.

To be left with empty hands.

Fathers cannot be left out of the family equation.

The final clause in the contract will be left untouched.

He just wants to be left in peace, ie not to be disturbed.

Xiangzi saw everyone drinking and, in order not to be left out, drank two cups too.

Very young children should not be left to play without supervision.

Spreadsheets should never be used to store system configuration management information, but that discussion will be left for another article.

Some things can only be done by one person. Some customs can only be passed alone. Some roads can only be left by one person.

But a flu pandemic, in the words of one financial regulator, would be more like a neutron bomb:“ The buildings would be left standing with no one left in them.

Nuclear accidents have global repercussions, and public mistrust of nuclear power demands that its problems not be left to fester.

This shouldn't be left to chance -- a mentoring program should be set up to ensure that all junior managers are receiving proper guidance.

It was left to a relatively low-level diplomat at Beijing's new York mission to reiterate the Chinese view that more time should be left for diplomacy before embarking on new sanctions.

Quietly watching, all the changes, also determined not to be optimistic about the mind, want to see, the last thing will be what, after the flow of time, the last can be left, the strongest bar.

be left造句

This paragraph can be left out.

For ITUT_14 bit implementations, this field must be left blank.

You must be careful not to be left with worthless shares.

A single pole can be used to create overhead space, or it can be left at the trailhead.

To be hurt, to feel lost, to be left out in the dark. To be kicked when you're down, to feel like you've been pushed around.

Over time, only the densest regions of the Cone will be left. Inside these regions, stars and planets may form.

Some wounds, no matter how long they touch, hurt, and some feelings no longer possess. Thinking, but can not be met, read, but can not be left, worried about, but can not be met.

He must never be left an instant unguarded.

Smoking scenes which do not appear to condone the habit may be left uncut.

Libyans, they say, should be left to submit to the colonel or kill him off, as best they can.

Come to her from the farthest border; Open up her barns, Pile her up like heaps And utterly destroy her, Let nothing be left to her.

She says that now with only two months left in the Bush administration the matter will be left to President-elect Obama.

To be left alone without God, would be too awful for words, but to be left alone with Him is a foretaste of Heaven!

Sometimes the road in the world can only be left by one person. Sometimes, the wounds in the heart can only be raised by one person.

标签: left 造句
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