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> tarpaulins造句怎么写


Flame-resistant and water-proof fabrics and tarpaulins coated with PVC on both sides

The Bolshoi Theater, built in 1824, has been draped in tarpaulins and gutted for almost five years and is scheduled to reopen in 2013.

Women in blue burqas or drab headscarves carry pails of water back to families squatting in shacks built out of rubble and tarpaulins.

Almost four years after the storm, a quarter of the population has never returned. A third of homes still lie empty, many decked with tarpaulins and with the flood-line still visible.

The "backyard within a backyard" was kept obscured from neighbours by an intricate system of tarpaulins, with entry only through a narrow opening shielded by shrubs.


Also we have some capacity to deliver fresh water, bottled water, tarpaulins and those kinds of things to assist people.

Investigations found that the balloon, a structure of silver foil-covered tarpaulins held together with string and duct tape, would not have been able to lift even a small child, Alderden added.

标签: tarpaulins 造句
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