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holding up造句怎么写

The back camera takes decent pictures But it's the practice of holding up a large slab to take a picture that feels a bit weird.

Half of them sit in the stands opposite the audience, holding up colored cards to form elaborate mosaic-like pictures extolling the country and its leaders.

Once he picked up one end of the photocopier so Mrs. Gregg could find her earring, and a call came in and he had this big long conversation with Benefits while still holding up the copier.

How you holding up?

"We've got the gin, we've got the rickey mix," they said, holding up the bags.

But at a glance, the efficient wing design and engines appear to be holding up their end of the deal.

WHEN Hercules wanted to steal the golden apples of the Hesperides he offered a trade with Atlas, the titan who was holding up the heavens.

However, holding up 100-thing minimalism as a platinum standard for minimalist practice excludes those of us who have different life circumstances and practice minimalism in different ways.

holding up造句

Each of them was holding up a small pickle.

Real estate brokers say prices are holding up better for homes in prime locations than outlying areas.

'We made this phone into a branch of a bank,' said Mr. Gupta, holding up the smart cellphone his system USES to keep data on accounts, depositors' fingerprints, photos and voices.

When I was a student at Cambridge I remember an anthropology professor holding up a picture of a bone with 28 incisions carved in it.

It clearly shows clerics holding up the shroud and is dated to around 100 years before Leonardo was born.

标签: 造句 holding
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