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> pulse shaping造句怎么写

pulse shaping造句怎么写

1、pulse shaping circuit

3、Discussing the theory of the baseband pulse shaping filter in wireless communication and it's FPGA implementation.

5、For pulse shaping OFDM systems for doubly dispersive channels, such a setup is in general not optimal.

7、A pulse shaping technique has been used in split Hopkinson bar (SHPB) experiment, for ensuring the specimen in dynamic stress equilibrium and loaded under constant strain rate during the test.

4、The maximum PAPR and the used pulse shaping waveform is derived and proved.

pulse shaping造句

2、Since optical pulse shaping technique plays a crucial role on the application of ultrashort pulse, its development is very fast.

6、Thus pulse shaping technique can be used not only shape the spectrum of the transmitted signal to increase the bandwidth efficiency but also to reduce its PAPR.

标签: shaping pulse 造句
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