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> baroque造句怎么写


Unable to spend freely on what was probably his final show on July 7th, he presented restrained, wearable clothes in just a handful of colours—a far cry from his usual baroque fantasies.

After they were interrogated, several of them confessed, and the baroque narrative took its final twist.

The orchestra offered a mixed program of baroque and contemporary fare.

And there are sumptuous jewels, among them a glorious salamander pendant, its body made of a fat baroque pearl.

I can still remember spending months, helplessly barricaded in the basement of one of our many, once beautiful, baroque style Buildings.


In Germany the baroque style of art flourished in the 17th and 18th centuries.

But there's a thrill in reading these stories-in the artful plots, the often baroque style, and the thick air of desperation.

A few tram stops beyond the baroque splendour is a structure that has little to do with glory.

I find it at an outdoor table in the Eclipse café in Unirii square. I enjoy Caffè Americano and bruschetta and tuna fish salad, and admire the (slightly tatty) baroque buildings all around.

标签: baroque 造句
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