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> xenophobic造句怎么写


But there is a cloud on Mr Berlusconi's horizon: the success of his ally, Umberto Bossi, whose populist, xenophobic Northern League was the one undisputed victor of these elections.


Mr. Maseko warned that any xenophobic attacks perpetrated against foreign nationals would not be tolerated.

German voters, egged on by xenophobic tabloid headlines, do not want to pay for the Greek social contract.

I'm hoping events can dispel the false impression that young Chinese are xenophobic nationalists who cheer for their country, good or bad.

Obsidian: You will indeed find the Rashemi to be xenophobic.

Myanmar's xenophobic leaders are trying to reduce their dependence on China by playing it off against India and the West.

Yet ideologically Mr Mottaki differed little from Iran’s arch-conservative and xenophobic president.

Although she still wants to end all immigration, give French nationals preference for jobs and bring back the death penalty, out has gone the obnoxious xenophobic tone.

标签: xenophobic 造句
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