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> 《River》经典语录



In 1996, 26-year-old Peter Hessler arrived in Fuling, a town on China's Yangtze River, to begin a two-year Peace Corps stint as a teacher at the local college. Along with fellow teacher Adam Meier, the two are the first foreigners to be in this part of the Sichuan province for 50 years. Expecting a calm couple of years, Hessler at first does not realize the social, cultural, and personal implications of being thrust into a such radically different society. In River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze, Hessler tells of his experience with the citizens of Fuling, the political and historical climate, and the feel of the city itself.

"Few passengers disembark at Fuling ... and so Fuling appears like a break in a dream--the quiet river, the cabins full of travelers drifting off to sleep, the lights of the city rising from the blackness of the Yangtze," says Hessler. A poor city by Chinese standards, the students at the college are mainly from small villages and are considered very


AKB~forty eight!前へ进め! (Got it!),立ち止まるな! (Got it!)。目指すは阳が升る场所,希望の道を歩け!行く手 阻(はば)む River! River! River!横たわる River!运命の River!River! River!试される River!迷いは舍てるんだ!根*を见せろよ!ためらうな!今すぐ一歩 踏み出せよ! Believe yourself!

伸向前方的双手,掌握着未来,即使觉得无法传达,也不能放弃。使劲投出的石头,已飞向梦想,毫无声响的落音。你心中也有着,奔腾的激流,残酷试练的河流。哪怕处境艰难!哪怕有时淹没!反复加以尝试,千万不要放弃,彼岸就在前方!终会有苦尽甘来的一刻,Get over it! River!

横渡激流Ho!Ho! Ho! Ho!梦想总是,远在天边,感觉遥不可及。将脚边的石头,捡起一颗,奋不顾身的投掷出去吧!在你眼前,是奔腾的激流,宽广无比的河水,哪怕深不见底!哪怕怒涛湍急!都不需要惊恐!哪怕距离遥远!终会到达彼岸!请相信自己吧!在黑暗中,拼命向前游吧!不要回头Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!

前へ前へ!まっすぐ进め!川を渡れ!Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!いつだって梦は,远くに见える。届かないくらい距离感じる,足下(あしもと)の石を。足下(あしもと)の石を,ひとつ拾って,がむしゃらになって 投げてみろ!


AKB~48!勇往直前 (Got it!),不要停下(Got it!)!目标指向那太阳升起的地方,迈向希望之道,阻挡在前的River! River! River!阻隔的River!命运的River! River!River!试炼的River!抛弃迷惑,展现毅力,不要犹豫,现在立刻迈出步伐Believe yourself!前进前进,勇往直前!

君の目の前に,川が流れる,広く 大きな川だ。暗く深くても!流れ速くても!怯えなくていい!离れていても!そうだ 向こう岸はある!もっと 自分を信じろよ!暗の中を,ひたすら泳げ!振り返るな!Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!

标签: river 经典语录
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