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> troublemaker造句怎么写


His irreverence for authority marks him out as a troublemaker.

His friends think he's cool, But his teachers think he a troublemaker.

He has long been a troublemaker who has caused his teachers and prefects endless grief.

Noticing my problem, the groom then decided to breeze over and brief me on how to catch this troublemaker.

As for her, I'm afraid she's going to be treated as a troublemaker who teaches bad money.

Cher, no longer a quiet spirit, became a troublemaker, the sky was pale, such as Daiyu's bloodless face before she died.

Liu Yifei was scolded by Miao Guangnan. He wanted to get angry. I like how to handle your bird affairs. This old man is a real troublemaker.

As soon as we enter the mountain, there is occasional unmelted ice on the roadside, and our troublemaker colleagues play tricks, either throwing themselves into others'arms or putting them in others' arms when others are not paying attention to them.

Every pedant, every demagogue, every cynic, every hypocrite, every troublemaker, and, I am sorry to say, some others of an entirely different character, will try to downgrade them even to the extent of mockery and ridicule.


I'm such a troublemaker.

Management closed ranks and ostracized the troublemaker.

I would hate you to think me a troublemaker.

The troublemaker took away my ruler without any reason, accusing him, and he was still smiling.

He's a natural troublemaker, and when he knows about it, it's bound to be extraneous.

Namai added that Kato was a "very serious" worker and had not stood out as a troublemaker.

He had just been accepted to Harvard, and Ranney, she cautioned, could easily write the school a letter labeling him a troublemaker.

Is he a troublemaker?

He strives to show he isn't a troublemaker.

My brother, quite a troublemaker as a juvenile, can tie and untie any knot.

He called Ronald Reagan a winner in how to make himself known in the world, and George Bush a troublemaker monkey.

The boy was labeled a troublemaker.

With years of experience accumulated by the old shoe repairman, this young man is also a public drunken troublemaker.

'I knew she was a troublemaker,' Rebecca muttered.

Last night, I imagined that Miss Liang would meet my mother. I spent a sleepless night.

标签: troublemaker 造句
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