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> Doyoubelieveingreenliving?Readthefollowingblog(博客)andre...



Do you believe in green living? Read the following blog (博客)and replies about a fun, easy and creative way to make your lifestyle greener.


Doyoubelieveingreenliving?Readthefollowingblog(博客)andre... 第2张

Doyoubelieveingreenliving?Readthefollowingblog(博客)andre... 第3张

16. What is special about the hat?

A. It came from an old sweater.                 B. It was given by Gina's mum.

C. It was new and expensive.                     D. It was a gift from Gina's sister.

17. Why did Gina give a reply to TerryB?

A. To draw TerryB's attention.                    B. To introduce a new method.

C. To further explain her idea.                   D. To express her deep regret.

18. What did Betty99 upcycle to make dog toys?

A. Paper boxes.            B. Shopping bags.               C. T-shirts.                   D. Socks.



文章大意:本文主要介绍了 Gina对绿*生活的看法——再生利用旧衣物,以及TerryB和 Betty99对Gina这篇博客的回复。

1.       事实细节题。根据文章第一部分*图中的“It used to be my mum's sweater"可知这 个帽子特殊之处在于它曾是Gina母亲的旧毛衣,故选A。

2.       推理判断题。根据文章第二部分Gina有关再利用旧物以及不要的食物的回复内容可知 这是为了进一步说明解释“再生利用”的观点,故选C。

3.       事实细节题。根据文章第三部分第一句“I’ve made shopping bags out of T-shirts and dog toys out of socks"可知Betty用T-shirts做成了购物袋,用袜子做成了小* 玩具,故选D。



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