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> TurningleftunderabridgeinBeijing,HuXingxin,24,suddenlyb...




Turning left under a bridge in Beijing, Hu Xingxin, 24, suddenly braked to a stop in front of a yellow light at a Busy crossroad.

“According to the new traffic regulations, running a yellow light is equal to running a red one,” said the Beijing-based IT technician. “Since the new rules came into effect I’m always ready to hit the brakes to avoid a penalty.”

Authorities have since changed the rules and running a yellow light no longer results in a 6-point punishment.

New traffic regulations are the latest measure to improve road safety, which has become a problem in China. Experts say that to achieve better road safety, various and comprehensive methods are needed. Updating the rules are only part of the story.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), traffic accidents kill more people around the world than malaria and are the leading cause of death for young people aged 5 to 29 -- especially in developing countries. Each year up to 1.3 million people are killed and more than 50 million injured in traffic accidents around the world.

The economic consequences are also significant: according to a study by the World Bank and Harvard University, traffic accidents on average cost a country 1 to 3 percent of its annual Gross National Product..

The newly revised regulations impose much heavier punishment on drivers who violate traffic rules. Under the new regulations, 52 different violations result in penalties, up from 38 under the previous system.

Eleven kinds of violations now result in the deduction of 12 points, compared to six points under the previous regulation. These violations include drunken driving and using fake license plates, as well as driving without a valid license.

But traffic regulations are only one aspect of many regarding problems with road safety in China. Other components of road safety include technology and urban design.

43. What is true according to the passage?  

  A. Traffic accidents leads to very serious economic consequences.

  B. Malaria causes more deaths every year than traffic accidents.

  C. Running a yellow will result in a 6-point deduction.

  D. Most violators of the new traffic rules will end up in prison.

44. The main reason of the new traffic regulations is _______  

  A. to reduce economic loss.           B. to limit the sale of alcohol.

  C. the requirement of the WHO.       D. to make the road safer.

45. Which violation will not lead to a deduction of 12 points?   

  A. Drunken driving.             B. Running a red light.

  C. Using fake license plates.       D. Driving without a license.

46. Which measure is not mentioned in the passage to improve road safety? 

  A. A better design of the city.

  B. Proper application of advanced technology.

  C. More involvement of the government and organizations such as the WHO.

  D. Stricter traffic regulations.



知识点:人物传记 故事类阅读


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