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>  完形填空。It'sWednesdayafternoon.Schoolisover.Thestudentsar...





It's Wednesday afternoon. School is over. The students are putting their books, pencil-boxes__1__ their school bags. The teacher comes in and says to the students, "Wait a minute, please. I have something to tell you. Listen to me, __2__ is Thursday. There's going to__3_ a__4_ meeting in our school. The meeting is at nine in the morning.__5__ are your school reports(成绩单) and letters__6__your parents.__7__ them home. Give your parents the letters and__8__ them your school reports. Ask them __9_to the meeting on time tomorrow because I'm_10_ tell them something about next term."

(   ) 1. A. into       B. to               C. in             D. out
(   ) 2. A. today    B. tomorrow   C. it              D. next day
(   ) 3. A. have     B. has             C. be             D. is
(   ) 4. A. student B. teacher        C. parent      D. parents’
(   ) 5. A. There    B. Here           C. Those       D. The
(   ) 6. A. for        B. with            C. give           D. from
(   ) 7. A. Take    B. Bring           C. Taking       D. Carry
(   ) 8. A. tell        B. say             C. talk            D. show
(   ) 9. A. come    B. comes         C. to come    D. coming
(   ) 10. A. going   B. going to     C. go to         D. want


1A  2B  3C  4D  5B  6A  7A  8D  9C  10B

知识点:人物传记 故事阅读类


标签: 完形填空
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