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> 阅读理解。Wecanseesomeoverheadbridges(天桥)inNanningCity.There...





We can see some overhead bridges(天桥) in Nanning City. There is one over Chaoyang Road. Another is near People’s Park. As we all know, it is not safe to cross a Busy road. These bridges can help people cross the roads safely. Overhead bridges have the same use as street crossings.

Many people think it great trouble to go through overhead bridges. The old and the young think it’s difficult for them to climb up and down the steps of the overhead bridges. But why does the government build so many overhead bridges? That’s because old people and young children walk slowly. And when they cross a busy road using a street crossing, the traffic will be held up or maybe stopped, or even a traffic accident may happen. With the help of the overhead bridges, people and the traffic can move at the same time.

A lot of money has been spent building these overhead bridges. People, old or young should always use them. This can help stop traffic accidents from happening.


(    ) 1. There is only one overhead bridge in Nanning City.

(    ) 2. It is dangerous for people to cross a busy road.

(    ) 3. All the people like using overhead bridges instead of street crossings.

(    ) 4. Overhead bridges help people and the traffic move at the same time.

(    ) 5. An overhead bridge can help stop a traffic accident from happening.


1F  2T  3F  4T  5T

知识点:人物传记 故事阅读类


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