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> ZhangPengisaChinesedriverinXi’an(西安).Whenhecheckedtheon...




Zhang Peng is a Chinese driver in Xi’an(西安).When he checked the online wallet of his We chat app(微信应用软件),he saw that one of his passengers had paid 6,500 yuan for a___11___pay. That meant the passenger paid about $ 950,  but in fact, the passenger only needed to pay$ 9.50.

Zhang Peng guessed that the payment was a ____12____ According to the time of the payment, he guessed that the four foreign travelers did it.  He___13___the four travelers, from the train station and dropped them off at a nearby___14___.

When he___15___to call the four foreign passengers, Zhang Peng directly went to the hotel again where he had dropped them off. Then in the hotel he____16____what had happened to the waiter at the front desk.

Just at that time, the traveler____17____made the payment came downstairs. She was ___18___    to hear about her mistake. It was her first time to visit the Chinese city, and she said that it was also her first time___19___the app’s online payment function(在线付费功能)to pay for the ride.

She was____20____more surprised when Zhang Peng refused to get a reward(报酬)and ____21____her all her extra(额外的)money.

____22____is true that the traveler had a wonderful _____23_____ of using Wechat. “ I can’t believe it,”  the woman traveler said.  “______24______some people, money is their only dream, and $ 950 is a lot of money.  I felt very excited yesterday______25______the taxi driver came back to return the money in person. I am really grateful.”

11. A. 65 yuan         B. 65-yuan             C. 65-yuans            D. the 65th yuan

12. A. mistake         B. question            C. fool                D. praise

13. A. cheered up      B. put up              C. picked up           D. looked up

14. A. station         B. hotel               C. hospital            D. restaurant

15. A. succeeded       B. forgot              C. regretted           D. failed

16. A. explained       B. asked               C. understood          D. suggested

17. A. whom            B. who                 C. whose               D. which

18. A. interested      B. glad                C. angry               D. surprised

19. A. use             B. using               C. used                D. to use

20. A. very            B. even                C. quite               D. too

21. A. got             B. returned            C. cost                D. spent

22. A. It              B. That                C. He                  D. This

23. A. trip            B. examination         C. experience          D. vacation

24. A. As              B. From                C. At                  D. For

25. A. because         B. because of          C. even if             D. if


11. B    12. A    13. C    14. B    15. D    16. A    17. B    18. D    19. D    20. B    21. B    22. A    23. C    24. D    25. A


本文介绍了*好的哥— —张鹏的事迹。张鹏是一名西安的*出租车司机。一次在查看微信钱包时,发现一位乘客把65元的车费,错点成了6500元。张鹏猜测这是个失误。于是就联系了乘客,在未取的联系的情况下,亲自去了客人住的旅馆。就在他与前台服务员解释来意的时候,付款的旅客下楼来了。张鹏说明了来意,这使得该乘客很意外。令她更吃惊的是,张鹏拒绝得到报酬,并把她所有的额外的钱都还给了她。本文体现了*的哥的伟大与无私,值得我们学习和尊重。


12.句意:张鹏猜测付款是个失误。A. mistake失误;B. question问题;C. fool蠢人;D. praise赞扬。根据That meant the passenger paid about $ 950, but in fact, the passenger only needed to pay$ 9.50. 这意味着乘客支付了大约950美元,但实际上,乘客只需要支付9.50美元。可知,张鹏猜测这次付款是个失误。因此应该选择mistake失误;符合语境。故选A。

13.句意:他从火车站接了四位旅客,把他们送到附近的一家旅馆。A. cheered up    振作起来;B. put up张贴;C. picked up拾起,接人;D. looked up查找。根据Zhang Peng is a Chinese driver in Xi’an(西安).张鹏是西安的一名*出租车司机。和from the train station从火车站,可以推知,张鹏在火车站是为了接乘客,因此选择picked up拾起,接人;符合语境。故选C。

14.句意:他从火车站接了四位旅客,把他们送到附近的一家旅馆。A. station    火车站;B. hotel旅馆;C. hospital医院;D. restaurant饭店。根据When he___5___to call the four foreign passengers, Zhang Peng directly went to the hotel again where he had dropped them off.可知,张鹏是把他们送到附近的一家旅馆。故选B。

15.句意:当张鹏给这四位外国旅客打电话没有打通时,他直接去了他送他们去的酒店。A. succeeded成功;B. forgot忘记;C. regretted后悔;D. failed失败。根据Zhang Peng directly went to the hotel again where he had dropped them off. 张鹏直接去了酒店找他们。说明张鹏的电话没有打通,因此选择failed失败。故选D。

16.句意:然后在旅馆里,他向前台的服务员解释了发生了什么事。A. explained解释;B. asked问;C. understood理解;D. suggested建议。根据Then in the hotel he____6____what had happened to the waiter at the front desk. 然后在旅馆里,他向前台的服务员_______发生了什么事。结合选项和实际情况可知,酒店的客人的信息一般是不外泄的,所以应该选择explained解释;符合语境。故选A。

17.句意:就在那时,付款的旅客下楼来了。A. whom谁,做宾语;    B. who谁,做主语;C. whose谁的,做定语;    D. which哪一个,做宾语,先行词应该是物。本题的先行词the traveler,是指人,因此选项D错误;分析句子结构可知,本题是主语的位置,因此用先行词who来引导。故选B。

18.句意:她听到自己的错误感到惊讶。A. interested感兴趣的;B. glad高兴的;C. angry发怒的;D. surprised感觉意外的。结合语境可知,当女孩听到自己的错误时,应该是感到很意外的。故选surprised感觉意外的。所以*为D。

19.句意:这是她第一次访问*城市,她说这也是她第一次使用在线支付功能来支付乘车费用的。A为动词原形;B为动名词;C为过去式;D为的动词不定式。第一次去做某事:the first time to do sth.;因此本题应该选择动词不定式。故选D。

20.句意:更令她吃惊的是,张鹏拒绝得到报酬,并把她所有的额外的钱都还给了她。A. very非常;B. even甚至;C. quite相当;D. too又;还。本题考查even的用法。even 表示原来的就够.....的了。而这一个比它还要更加......;结合语境:当女孩听到自己的错误时,感到惊讶了一次,这次张鹏拒绝得到报酬,就更令她惊讶了,因此用even来修比较级more surprised。故选B。

21.句意:更令她吃惊的是,张鹏拒绝得到报酬,并把她所有的额外的钱都还给了她。A. got得到;B. returned 退还;C. cost花费;D. spent用,花。结合句子Zhang Peng refused to get a reward(报酬),张鹏拒绝得到报酬,可以推知,张鹏是把所有的额外的钱都还给了她。这样就符合语境了。故选B。

22.句意:的确,旅行者在使用微信方面有着很好的体验。A. It它;B. That那个;C. He他;D. This这个。本题考查句型:It is true that…,确实……,的确……;it 在这里做形式主语,that所引导的句子做真正的主语,所表达的是 that所引导的句子所发生的事情是真的。所以本题选择A。

23.句意:的确,旅行者在使用微信方面有着很好的体验。A. trip旅游;B. examination考试;C. experience体验;D. vacation假期。根据the traveler had a wonderful __13___ of using Wechat. 旅行者在使用微信方面有着很好的_______。结合所给的选项可知,应该选择experience体验;符合语境。故选C。

24.句意:“我简直不敢相信,”女旅行者说。“对一些人来说,钱是他们唯一的梦想,950美元是一大笔钱。”A. As作为;B. From从…起;C. At在(某处);D. For为了;对……来说。for用于表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给……”、“对…… (而言)”。本题考查的就是for的这种用法。语境是:对一些人来说,钱是他们唯一的梦想。故选D。

25.句意:昨天我很兴奋,因为出租车司机亲自回来还了钱。我真的很感激。A. because因为;B. because of因为,由于,{说明:①because of是复合介词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词或由what引导的从句(但不是直接接从句)。②because of一般引导状语,不引导表语;但当主语是代词时,because of短语在句中可用作表语。} C. even if尽管;D. if如果。句子the taxi driver came back to return the money in person. 是一个从句,因此不能用because of引导;结合语境可知,女旅行者兴奋的原因是因为出租车司机亲自回来还了钱。所以应该选择because因为;符合语境。故选A。



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