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> 1.SheaskedmewhetherIhadseenhimthenightbefore.(改成直接引语)Sh...




1.She asked me whether I had seen him the night before.(改成直接引语)

She asked, “___1_____ ____2____ see him ____3_____ ___4_____?”

2.My mother said to me: “Come back before 10.” (改成间接引语)

My mother ___5____ me ___6________7______ ___8______ before 10.

3.It was a very difficult period of my life.At that time I first met Nelson Mandela. (连成一定语从句)

_____9____ ____10______ ___11_______ I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.

4.All hope was not lost.(写出同义句)

___12____ ____13____ ___14_____ was lost.

5.He prefers riding a bicycle to riding on a crowded bus.((写出同义句)

____15____ __16_____ _____17____ on a crowded bus, he prefers to ride a bicycle.

6.We seemed to be able to see for miles at one point.(用it作形式主语改写)

___18_____ ___19_______ ___20_______ we were able to see for miles at one point.


1.Did                         2.you                     3.last                  4.night            5.told

6.to                           7.go                      8.back                9.The             10.time

11.when                     12.Not                   13.all                  14.Hope          15.Rather

16.than                     17.ride                   18.It                   19.seemed       20.that



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