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> Therewasatimewhenthebeliefthatteachersshouldbehighly-re...




There was a time when the belief that teachers should be highly-respected and teaching is a noble profession prevailed(盛行). And that was exactly the dangerous illusion I used to have  (21)       I actually became a teacher. Nowadays, as far as I am concerned, being a responsible teacher to a large degree means (22)        (clear) up the mess left by his or her students on a regular basis.

Take my personal experience as an example. For years, my students (23)           (never fail) to amaze me with their magnificent abilities to escalate(使……逐步升级)trivial matters into disastrous chaos. Of course, that is not something (24)         (boast) about, but I have to say so far they have done a tremendous job. Therefore, not even a single second can I take my eyes away from them because once they are out of sight, they are out of control (25)      suddenly they were transformed from reasonable human beings into restless monkeys by magical spells.

Besides, it is increasingly hard for me to understand my students (26)          the constant efforts I make.

Conversations with my students usually end in one of three ways:

Students don’t respond to any attempts made to establish real communication, (27)     say.

They reply with lip-service, in that they will start to behave themselves, but (28)     results from this.

They blame others for their faults and takes no responsibilities for their own behaviors. So, with all those said, it is not surprising that in China it has become (29)         (challenging) for governments to persuade people to join the teaching profession. Part of the reason for this may be the intense pressure that comes from feeling powerless to control the children for (30)     they are responsible.


21. before  22. clearing  23. have never failed  24. to boast  25. as if  ite  ever  ing  29. more challenging  30. whom



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