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> Inmyopinion,wecan'tleavetoday'sworkfortomorrow,(1)




In my opinion, we can't leave today's work for tomorrow, (1)________ tomorrow we have different things to do.(2)________ we leave today's work for tomorrow, (3)________ we'll have some other work, we'll gradually pile up too many things and will never get them the people without determination and will­power will find all kinds of excuses for delaying the things (4)________ they should have done today.(5)________ (此外), (6)________ we get into the bad habit of leaving today's work for tomorrow, we will easily become lazy.

As we have a lot of things to learn and different homework to do every day, we can't afford to waste time.(7)________ (因此), the earlier we plan our time and get down to the work, (8)________ (越多) we will a word, (9)________we have strong intention and great determination and do everything (10)________ (按照) planned, we will be able to keep improving ourselves and achieve success.


use    tionally

6.if efore  more  



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