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sprout up造句怎么写

sprout up造句

Mirmirani can't confirm the old wives' tales that tell you if you yank one gray hair, five more will sprout up.

What sets China apart from other countries, however, is its unprecedented pace of development -swhereselse in the world do new highrises seem to sprout up virtually overnight?

As visitors enter the sculpture to the Myrtle tree Garden, they are surrounded by more than 800 fins which sprout up like trees in a topographical landscape of stones and water.

As the dense, cold high-rises sprout up in the cities, the traffic congests, the air fouls, and bit by bit, people's happiness is tattering and dying away.

And weeds are beginning to sprout up in luxury villa developments that are devoid of residents.

An Arctic fox lopes over snowy ground in Prudhoe Bay in an image shot before 1977 when oil Wells began to sprout up across Alaska's North Slope.

标签: 造句 sprout
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