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> stabler造句怎么写


8、The method of obtaining stabler range profiles is briefly discussed at first and then the limittedness of conventional matched filtering in case of HRR is pointed out.

10、Therefore, the people have gone deep into research constantly in this domain in recent years by the time, hope to make the voltage datum zener diode is stabler.

12、More than that, the vaccin adopts a kind of dosage form by special process, which could overcome the destruction from gastric acidity or pepsin, thereby render the vaccin more effective and stabler.

1、I was a temperamental genius in need of reining in by stabler personalities.

3、That is acceptable if the benefits—whether cleaner air or stabler banks—justify the costs.

5、Network organization is more flexible than hierarchy inside the enterprise and stabler than the market outside the enterprise.

7、Three simple recovery processes of alkali in small-scale paper mill are evaluated, and single-stage condensation-combustion process is stabler and more economic.

11、The expert introduced that the bodily absorption carbohydrate's speed is slower, the blood serum amine's level is stabler, is more impossible the situation which has the mood to collapse suddenly.


2、Is stabler under the acidic condition, changes color under the alkalinity condition.

6、This combination is unstable and quickly rearranges itself into a stabler, but still reversible, substance known as an Amadori product.

13、This version of the business version of Windows tacked the Windows 95 interface on top of the NT kernel, which was stabler and more secure than Windows 95. Security and networking were also improved.

9、Vast computer experiments prove that fractal-based detection method gets stabler results than traditional maximum contrast method. Fractal-based detection method is a promising method.

4、The quality of handmade koji is stabler than that of machine-processed koji in production.

标签: 造句 stabler
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