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> great toe造句怎么写

great toe造句怎么写

great toe造句

To measure the great toe of the foot is to measure the giant.

Methods Vascularized skin flap taken from the fibular side of great toe was applied to repair the defect.

Objective to improve the calculation formula of cutting fibula side flap of great toe by analyzing its applied anatomy on reconstruction of thumb or fingers.

After missing 21 games because of a December 2005 surgery on his left great toe, Yao's game has soared.

The utility model provides a great toe extroversion correcting tape which is used for solving the problem of great toe extroversion.

Conclusions the main blood supply on fibula side flap of great toe is from the base metatarsal artery, and the superficial branch of dorsal metatarsal artery is miner.

标签: toe 造句
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