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> pulmonary tuberculosis造句怎么写

pulmonary tuberculosis造句怎么写

Objective: to analyse the relation between pulmonary tuberculosis process and spontaneous pneumothorax and to improve diagnosis and treatment level.

Illness has long been linked with literature since ancient times, and the image of pulmonary tuberculosis is widely used in literary works.

Conclusions Pituitrin and nitroglycerin could improve the hemostatic rate and decrease side effects. They are effective on hemoptysis caused by pulmonary tuberculosis.

With pulmonary tuberculosis patients living together, in the work of the people is in close contact with TB patients, may be infected with TB, should be timely to the hospital to check out.

pulmonary tuberculosis造句

To estimate the global burden of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA) after pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), specifically in cases with pulmonary cavitation.

Objective To study the characteristics of T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the patients with tuberculosis meningitis (TBM) and pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB).

Analysis of comprehensive treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with massive hemoptysis after bronchial artery embolization(BAE)

Objective To evaluate the DOTS effect of new smear positive cases with pulmonary tuberculosis in Baoan District, Shenzhen, 1993 ~ 1999.

Conclusion It is suggestea that pulmonary tuberculosis mainly appear at the age of from 17 to 29 in airborne troops, and that persons belonging to the span be the highlight for the disease.

The main diseases misdiagnosed are tuberculous pleurisy, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis and pulmonary abscess et al.

Objective To discuss the clinical characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis of airborne troops.

pulmonary tuberculosis

Methods we selected 127 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis who were all Han people with mean age of 52.5 years and 58 ethnically matched healthy controls.

We report a case of pulmonary tuberculosis with hemoptysis as the initial presentation.

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