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> 1.Thisisthefactorywherewevisitedlastweek.2.Thisisthewat...




is the factory where we visited last week.

is the watch for which Tom is looking.

person to who you spoke is a student of Grade Two.

sun gives off light and warmth, that makes it possible for plants to grow.

is the best film which I have ever seen

father and Mr. Smith talked about things and persons who they remembered in the country.

e who wants to go with me put up your hands.

reason why he gave sounds reasonablel.

9. Those at the desk want to buy tickets write down your names.

boy, his mother died last year, studies very hard.

11.I will never forget the days which we had a good time together at the sea.

h we all know, swimming is a very good sport.   

paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of them hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.  

. Herpin is the one of the foreign experts who are working in China.   

glasses, with which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.

16. There was so much noise outside which we couldn't hear the teacher.

17.I have bought the same dress which she is wearing.

now I saw the man from which room the thief had stolen the TV set.  

that factory which your father once worked in?

they came to a farm house, and in front of which sat a small boy.


1. where→that/which或去掉where.      2. 把for放在looking之后。

3. who→whom。                     4. that→which。

5. which→that或去掉which。          6. who→that。

7. wants→want                       8. why- which that。

9. who                              10. his→whose。

11. which→when或which前加in。     h-as ,

-which,                       14.第二个are-is ,

-without.                       h-that

h-as                           h-whose,

ory前加the,或factory后加 the one,  20.去掉and,



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