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>  “Sorry,butIdon’tagreewithyou…”Thisisusuallyfollowedbyu...




  “Sorry, But I don’t agree with you…” This is usually followed by unbearable silence and angry tears. I’ve always found it difficult to disagree with someone because I don’t want to lose a friend. I’ve found it even harder to accept it when someone disagrees with me, because my ego (自尊心) is hurt.

  Before the other person gets a chance to explain why she disagrees with me, my usual response would be, “If you aren’t able to see my point of view, then what you think isn’t worth my time or consideration, either.” But now I’ve come to realize that when a friend disagrees with me, sometimes she is simply saying, “I don’t agree with the way things are done.” She still respects me as a person, and is only pointing out a better way to look at a matter. However, there may be times when my friend disagrees with me because I’m against the truth. That’s when I need to listen to what she says.

  I’ve learned that for me one way to help my friend is to be open and honest with the other to voice my thoughts and listen to the other carefully. While we can’t control how a person will respond to our views, we must learn to disagree with our friends in love. We will never feel that we are better than the other person. And that will help us to be less emotional, and more objective in the way we express our opinions. In the same way, we can also stay open to feedback (反馈) from others, knowing that our friends may be correcting us in love.

  Good friendships build each other up, sometimes through disagreements and honest opinions. Though I don’t like being disagreed with, I’m starting to see the value of such disagreements.

28. The author has found it difficult to disagree with someone because _______.

   A. he is a friendly person

   B. he usually hides his ideas

   C. he has no mind of his own

   D. he wants to keep the friendship

29. When a friend disagreed with him, the author used to _______.

   A. be unhappy                     B. argue with the friend

   C. break up with the friend           D. explain things calmly

30. The author will listen to a friend when _______.

   A. he is against the truth             B. he doesn’t tell the truth

   C. he is respected by the friend        D. he does things in the wrong way

31. What does the author mainly talk about in the text?

   A. How to keep friendship.

   B. How to avoid hurting a friend.

   C. How to express disagreements.

   D. How to deal with disagreements.





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